Science Tutoring
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Science Tutoring
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Science Tutoring
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Science Tutoring
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Science Tutoring
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"Changing the future... one session at a time!"
Make A Complaint
1. Your Complaint 2. Your Details 3. Review and Submit
Before starting...
When deciding whether to make an official complaint, please consider that it may be more relevant to make a comment which will be circulated to staff tomorrow, unless it is essential to complain.
How comments and complaints are dealt with
All comments and complaints submitted via our website are shared directly with the Senior Leadership Team. Comments are shared within two working days to SLT team and any staff concerned whereas Official Complaints are circulated overnight and dealt with within 24 hours as a matter of urgency. Comments and complaints will be dealt with in a sensitive, impartial and confidential manner.
Please read our Complaints Policy for full details of the complaints process which outlines a 3 stage process.