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SEND Tutoring


The SEND Code of Practice (2015) clearly sets out that all teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs, and this is the same view we take with our tutors. 

Mixed Race Down Syndrome Class

We work with tutees who have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) and other tutees who  have identified SEND but no plan.

What is an EHCP?

The EHCP replaced the old Statement of SEN and it offers statutory protection for individuals aged 0-25, as long as they are in education (not including higher education, as universities have their own system). Individuals will have their areas of need identified under four broad categories: cognition and learning; communication and interaction; social, emotional and mental health needs; physical and/or sensory.

It may be the case that the young person has multiple needs, in all four categories, or their need may be more specific. The EHCP is outcome-driven, rather than provision-driven, and it looks at what the young person aspires to achieve and how to support them in achieving these goals. When a tutee has an EHCP in place, their key tutor can contribute to working towards their EHCP targets. 

Our Talented Tutors 

At Swindon Tuition Centre, we have such a wide range of tutors with various background experiences and skill-sets. We have tutors who have previously worked in special needs schools or in special needs departments within mainstream schools. We have tutors who have specific experience or have completed additional training in Autism, attachment disorder,  ADHD, dyslexia and visual impairment. 

Reading a Book

 The acronyms

SEND is a minefield of acronyms; here are some below: 

ADD: Attention deficit disorder

ADHD: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder

ASD: Autism spectrum disorder

EP: Educational psychologist

HI: Hearing impairment

MLD: Moderate learning difficulties

OT: Occupational therapist

PD: Physical disability

PMLD: Profound and multiple learning disability

SALT/SLT: Speech and language therapist

SEMH: Social, emotional and mental health

SLCN: Speech, language and communication needs

SpLD: Specific learning difficulties

VI: Visual impairment


135 Cricklade Rd,

Gorse Hill,



11 Devizes Rd, 

Old Town,



43 Havelock St, 

Town Centre,



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